A game-changer: The Heritage Woodcraft Centre.

Apologies to the regular readers for the lack of posts over the last couple of months. So much to write about, and so little time to bash away at the keyboard!

Over the last few months, I have been gradually setting up a dedicated teaching space.
Located in Canning Vale,  this space is being set up for teaching hand tool woodworking.
For years I have been lugging tonnes of gear around, hiring various venues, often only for a day or two, in order to run public workshops across a wide range of woodworking skills and projects. A huge amount of energy and time has been expended to deliver each workshop series. My home has been so full of tools, wood and too much gear! Imagine the idea of having a place set up for teaching, to remove the need to shift so much stuff back and forth and in and out of my ute and trailer each time. Imagine the possibility of running evening workshops, day time workshops, after school workshops, and one-on-one tuition whenever I choose!       Oh yes.... For me, this is a real game-changer.

The Heritage Woodcraft Centre, as I have named this space, offers a whole new era for me.

The first workshop was run at the Heritage Woodcraft Centre on 14th August, with a group of 7 people carving wooden spoons from seasoned wood. A great way to test out the space. I was very excited, I have to admit! It was a lovely session with a delightful bunch of people.

There's plenty to smile about. Beautiful spoons, eh?
I have run my first session of one-on-one tuition there also. Fantastic.

It is so good to be able to just reach up and grab a tool of choice off the wall. Bliss.

Of course, the place is not fully set up yet. The downstairs area is mostly set up and very useable. It is the upstairs area which still needs lots done to it to have it ready to use. A work in progress.

There are no tools in glass cabinets here. They are all "users".
 The latest workshop "Cut Dovetail Joints by Hand" was delivered to a very small group one evening. Despite the mystique, the secret to dovetails is in the marking out. The execution is in the accurate sawing and chisel work. 

Chopping out the waste between the pins.
The moment of truth is when it all comes together...
A pretty good first time effort by one of the participants.
We have some kids workshops lined up for the coming school holidays, and at the start of the coming term there will be a couple of groups of Home Schoolers coming through to do woodwork with us as well.

Meanwhile, I am loving having and developing a dedicated teaching area. I look forward to running a growing number of  workshops at the Heritage Woodcraft Centre, sharing the Joy of Wood with others - young and old alike.

The Heritage Woodcraft Centre - "Where traditions of the past have a place in the future".

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A game-changer: The Heritage Woodcraft Centre. Rating: 4.5 Posted by: kepetmini

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